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Who’s in Maxine’s Tree focuses on Maxine’s favorite tree near her home in the Pacific Northwest. It is special because it "talks" to her. On a hike through the woods, she worries that the loggers may have chopped it down. Along...
In this non-fiction text, Caitlyn Vernon shares her knowledge and love of the Great Bear Rainforest; the largest unlogged temperate rainforest in the world. The text is broken into ten topical chapters that teach about the forest's iconic species...
Roy Linden is a talented football player on a losing team. Mocked for his stutter, Roy's only source of comfort is his grandmother who teaches him about the natural world she loves so much. When the water around his grandmother's cabin is...
My Wounded Island is the story of a little girl, Imarvaluk, who is scared of the sea. Imarvaluk, whose name means "the song of the waves" in her language Inupiat, lives on the small islands north of the Bering Sea near the Arctic Circle. The sea is bewitched...
Be a Good Ancestor is a beautifully illustrated book for the elementary classroom that highlights the circle of life and how our actions and thoughts have an impact on all things. Each page of the book features a rhyming stanza that focuses on being a...
Forever Our Home is beautifully illustrated children's book with an emphasis on one's relationship to the land. Written in both Plains Cree and English, the story was originally a lullaby for the author's son. The story introduces students...