The film provides a graphic simulation of human population growth. As the years roll by on a digtal clock from AD1 to 2030, dots light up on an illustrated map to represen the millons of people added to the population. Historic references on the screen place population changes in context.
Teachers may use the pause button to draw attention to particular trends - the concentration of population in the Mediterranean during the classical period; the relative thin population in Africa until more recent times; the density of population in India and China at various periods in time; the impact of the Black Death on population growth; the correlation between the Industrial Revolution and population growth in Europe; the projections for future population growth.
A companion text providing additional historical background can be found here.
Students may investigate world populaton as it relates to a variety of issues
The video should be viewed at the beginning of any population related study. The first viewing could be without interuption, followed by a second viewing in which the pause button is used to explore particular trends. Questions raised by the viewing should provide a framework for further study of the issues identified above..
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