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Operation Water Flow- Biology



This resource contains three lessons which deal with the issue of unsafe drinking water by focusing on the role that viruses and bacteria play in contaminating water. Activities include two simulations- one modelling pathogen transmission in a population, and the second showing techniques used to filter drinking water. Two research projects are assigned, one of which is locally focused.

Lesson One- Bacteria vs Virus- What's the Difference? (3X60min)

After a mini lesson giving background information on the properties of viruses and bacteria and how they spread disease, a simulation lab is done which models the pathogenic transmission of a communicable disease that could occur in polluted water. Students are then asked to complete a research project (or create a fictitious virus) after choosing from a list of topics.Lesson Two- You Make A Decision- (2X60min)

Students can choose from a list of six possible topics(or come up with their own) and do a research project on an issue relating to water quality and conservation in their community. Data must be gathered by the students via computer or interviews. Then the project is presented publicly.

Lesson Three- How is My Water Purified? (1X60min)

After observing a teacher demo simulating techniques used to clean drinking water(screening, sedimentation, filtering, and chemical treatment), students predict how bacterial growth on a potato slice will be affected by polluted water, unpolluted water, and water treated with chlorine. After three days, bacterial growth is re-examined and conclusions drawn.

General Assessment

What skills does this resource explicitly teach?

  • Perform an experiment and record results
  • Interpret data and draw conclusions
  • Make predictions based on observations
  • Communicate findings of an investigative report
  • Work cooperatively in a lab group
  • Design a plan for research
  • Gather information for research  topics in a variety of ways- reading print resources, using electronic resources, and doing interviews
  • Presentation skills


  • Simulations are fun, educational and relevant to the issue
  • Lessons are easy to understand and follow
  • Students are given the opportunity to practice lab techniques and obtain results that are relevant to their lives
  • Students are encouraged to connect with people in the community when doing research
  • Student handouts are easy to use
  • Research topics are relevant and interesting
  • Students can choose their own topics to research as long as they are relevant to the issues in this resource


  • Not enough links provided for background information on topics and issues
  • No authentic case studies or out of doors experiences
  • First Nations issues are not addressed
  • No accommodations for struggling learners
  • Rubric/assessment techniques need development
  • No authentic action experience

Relevant Curriculum Units

The following tool will allow you to explore the relevant curriculum matches for this resource. To start, select a province listed below.

  • Step 1Select a province
  • Alberta
    • Step 2Select a grade level
    • Grade 9
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Environmental Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Environment and Outdoor Education: Environmental Investigations
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Environmental Chemistry
    • Grade 10
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Science 10-4 (Knowledge and Employability Science): Investigating Matter and Energy in Environmental Systems
        • Science 10-4( Knowledge and Employability Science): Investigating Matter and Energy in Living Systems
        • Science 14: Investigating Matter and Energy in Living Systems
        • Science 14:Investigating Matter and Energy in the Environment
    • Grade 11
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Science 24:Disease Defence and Human Health
  • Manitoba
    • Step 2Select a grade level
    • Grade 10
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Life Systems
        • Senior 2 Science: Dynamics of Ecosystems
    • Grade 11
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Biology
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Biology: Protection and Control
  • New Brunswick
    • Step 2Select a grade level
    • Grade 11
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Biology
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Biology 111/2: Study of Life
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
    • Step 2Select a grade level
    • Grade 10
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Science 1206: Sustainability of Ecosystems
    • Grade 11
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Biology
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Biology 2201: Ecosystem Interactions and Population Dynamics
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Science 2200: Ecosytems
  • Northwest Territories
    • Step 2Select a grade level
    • Grade 11
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Science 20-4:Disease Defense and Human Health
        • Science 24: Disease Defense and Human Health
  • Nova Scotia
    • Step 2Select a grade level
    • Grade 10
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Science 10: Sustainability of Ecosystems
    • Grade 11
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Biology
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Biology 11: Biodiversity
        • Biology 11: Interactions among Living Things
  • Nunavut
    • Step 2Select a grade level
    • Grade 10
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Science 10-4 (Knowledge and Employability Science): Investigating Matter and Energy in Environmental Systems
        • Science 10-4( Knowledge and Employability Science): Investigating Matter and Energy in Living Systems
        • Science 14: Investigating Matter and Energy in the Environment
    • Grade 11
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Science 24:Disease Defence and Human Health
  • Ontario
    • Step 2Select a grade level
    • Grade 9
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Geography
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Exploring Canadian Geography: Physical Geography and Physical Processes in Canada
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • :Biology: Sustainable Ecosystems
    • Grade 11
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Biology
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Biology 11(College Prep.) Microbiology
      • Environmental Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Environmental Science (Univ/College Prep.) Human Health and the Environment
        • Environmental Science (Univ/College Prep.) Scientific Solutions to Contemporary Environmental Challenges
        • Environmental Science (Workplace Prep.) Human Health and the Environment
        • Environmental Science (Workplace Prep.) Human Impact on the Environment
    • Grade 12
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Biology
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Biology 12 (Univ. Prep.): Population Dynamics
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Science (Workplace Preparation): Disease and Its Prevention
  • Prince Edward Island
    • Step 2Select a grade level
    • Grade 10
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Science 431A: Life Science, Sustainability of Ecosystems
  • Quebec
    • Step 2Select a grade level
    • Grade 10
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Science & Technology
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Applied Science & Technology:The Living World
        • Environmental Science & Technology: The Living World
        • Science & Technology:The Living World
        • Science and the Environment: The Living World
  • Saskatchewan
    • Step 2Select a grade level
    • Grade 10
      • Step 3Select a subject
      • Science
        • Step 4Relevant matches
        • Science 10: Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics

Themes Addressed

Human Health & Environment (3)

  • Environmental Contaminants & Health Hazards
  • Health Promotion
  • Quality of Life

Waste Management (1)

  • Liquid Waste

Water (2)

  • Water Quality
  • Water Treatment and Distribution

Sustainability Education Principles

Principle Rating Explanation
Consideration of Alternative Perspectives Satisfactory

The resource relies on simulations, short teacher lectures, and research projects to gather information on the effect of pathogens in water supplies. How the pathogens got there in the first place, and the cost of treating the exposed water, are not fully discussed, although some of these issues may be addressed in research topics chosen by students.

Consideration of Alternative Perspectives:
  • Satisfactory: absence of bias towards any one point of view
  • Good: students consider different points of view regarding issues, problems discussed
  • Very good: based on the consideration of different views, students form opinions and  take an informed position
Multiple Dimensions of Problems & Solutions Satisfactory

The resource does send the message that society has an obligation to provide safe drinking water, which means dealing with environmental problems which may contaminate water, and being responsible for treating water which contains dangerous microbes. The financial cost of ensuring this happens, although not stated outright, will be evident when completing the research assignments.

Multiple Dimensions of Problems & Solutions:

Effectively addresses the environmental, economic and social dimensions of the issue(s) being explored.

  • Satisfactory: resource supports the examination of  these dimensions
  • Good:  resource explicitly examines the interplay of these dimensions
  • Very Good:  a systems-thinking approach is encouraged to examine these three dimensions
Respects Complexity Poor/Not considered


Students are exposed to limited information about viruses, bacteria and pathogenic transmission as it relates to unsafe drinking water. The simulations are powerful, but little discussion or reflection time is given or promoted. The focus is on the "science" behind contamination. It is up to the students to delve more deeply into issues in their own research topics.

Respects Complexity:

The complexity of the problems/issues being discussed is respected.

Acting on Learning Poor/Not considered

Poor. There is no action experience beyond a presentation of a research project.

Acting on Learning:

Learning moves from understanding  issues  to working towards positive change — in personal lifestyle, in school, in the community,  or for the planet

  • Satisfactory: action opportunities are included as extensions 
  • Good: action opportunities are core components of the resource
  • Very Good: action opportunities for students are well supported and intended to result in observable, positive change
Values Education Poor/Not considered

Poor. There are no opportunities for students to clarify their values, or express their beliefs in a class discussion.

Values Education:

Students are explicitly provided with opportunities to identify, clarify and express their own beliefs/values.

Empathy & Respect for Humans Satisfactory

The discussion of the diseases caused by consuming unsafe drinking water will foster empathy for those whose quality of life is affected by these illnesses.

Empathy & Respect for Humans: Empathy and respect are fostered for diverse groups of humans (including different genders, ethnic groups, sexual preferences, etc.).
Personal Affinity with Earth Satisfactory
Personal Affinity with Earth:

Encourages a personal affinity with -the natural world.  

  • Satisfactory: connection is made to the natural world
  • Good: fosters appreciation/concern for the natural world
  • Very Good: fosters stewardship though practical and respectful experiences out-of-doors 
Locally-Focused Learning Good

Because safe drinking water is an issue in any community, this issue has a local focus. The research component in lesson two also asks students to concentrate on a topic with relevance to the students' own community.

Locally-Focused Learning:

Includes learning experiences that take advantage of issues/elements within the local community. 

  • Satisfactory: learning is made relevant to the lives of the learners
  • Good: learning is made relevant and has a local focus
  • Very Good: learning is made relevant, local and takes place ‘outside’ , in the community 
Past, Present & Future Poor/Not considered


There are no discussions about past, or present conditions as there are no case studies. The focus is on the"science" behind water contamination. The future would be seen as postive only if students are vigilant in monitoring safe drinking water practices in their communities.

Past, Present & Future: Promotes an understanding of the past, a sense of the present, and a positive vision for the future.

Pedagogical Approaches

Principle Rating Explanation
Open-Ended Instruction Satisfactory

Although for the most part question sheets and simulations direct students to conclusions, there are some opportunities in the two research projects for students to investigate possible solutions for problems on their own.

Open-Ended Instruction :

Lessons are structured so that multiple/complex answers are possible; students are not steered toward one 'right' answer.

Integrated Learning Satisfactory

The resource is primarily science based, with labs and teacher demos. The research assignments have some integration with art (poster-making), technology (computer research), and language arts (researching, organizing and presenting a written project)

Integrated Learning:

Learning brings together content and skills  from more than one  subject area

  • Satisfactory: content from a number of different  subject areas is readily identifiable
  • Good:  resource is appropriate for use in more than one subject area
  • Very Good:  the lines between subjects are blurred 
Inquiry Learning Satisfactory

Students participate in a simulation of pathogenic transmission and observe /predict results of a teacher simulation on water treatment, both of which for the most part are teacher directed.

Inquiry Learning:

Learning is directed by questions, problems, or challenges that students work to address.   

  • Satisfactory: Students are provided with questions/problems to solve and some direction on how to arrive at solutions.
  • Good: students, assisted by the teacher clarify the question(s) to ask and the process to follow to arrive at solutions.  Sometimes referred to as Guided Inquiry
  • Very Good:  students generate the questions and assume much of the responsibility for how to solve them.  . Sometimes referred to as self-directed learning.


Differentiated Instruction Satisfactory

Activities are well presented and teach to both cognitive and affective domains. The research topics would be very challenging for some students and need extensive modifications for those with learning difficulties. There are no accomodations suggested for struggling learners.

Differentiated Instruction:

Activities address a range of student learning styles, abilities and readiness.

  • Satisfactory:  includes a variety of instructional approaches
  • Good: addresses  the needs of visual, auditory &  kinesthetic learners
  • Very Good: also includes strategies for learners with difficulties
Experiential Learning Satisfactory

Both experiential learning experiences are simulations- one done in groups, the other as a teacher demo.

Experiential Learning:

Authentic learning experiences are provided

  • Satisfactory: learning takes place through ‘hands-on’ experience or simulation
  • Good: learning involves direct experience in a ‘real world context’
  • Very good: learning involves ‘real world experiences’ taking place’ beyond the school walls.
Cooperative Learning Satisfactory

Students work in groups during a lab activity and can choose to work in a group for the research assignments. There are no cooperatively learning skills explicitly taught or practiced.

Cooperative Learning:

Group and cooperative learning strategies are a priority.

  • Satisfactory:  students work in groups
  • Good: cooperative learning skills are explicitly taught and practiced
  • Very Good: cooperative learning skills are explicitly taught, practiced and assessed
Assessment & Evaluation Poor/Not considered

Poor. There are suggestions as to what to evaluate but no suggestions or rubrics as to how to evaluate. It would be up to the teacher to create tools for formative and summative evaluations.

Assessment & Evaluation: Tools are provided that help students and teachers to capture formative and summative information about students' learning and performance. These tools may include reflection questions, checklists, rubrics, etc.
Peer Teaching Satisfactory

Students are asked to make presentations of their research projects, to the class, in lesson two.

Peer Teaching:

Provides opportunities for students to actively present their knowledge and skills to peers and/or act as teachers and mentors.

  • Satisfactory: incidental teaching that arises from cooperative learning, presentations, etc.
  • Good or Very Good: an opportunity is intentionally created to empower students to teach other students/community members. The audience is somehow reliant on the students' teaching (students are not simply ‘presenting')
Case Studies Poor/Not considered

Poor. There are no case studies provided.

Case Studies:

Relevant case studies are included.  Case studies are thorough descriptions of real events from real situations that students use to explore  concepts in an authentic context.

Locus of Control Satisfactory

Students have a choice of of research topics in lessons one and two, or can come up with their own. This gives the students ample opportunities to choose the medium which  they wish to work, and go deeper into the issue if they want.

Locus of Control: Meaningful opportunities are provided for students to choose elements of program content, the medium in which they wish to work, and/or to go deeper into a chosen issue.