Students will analyze a real-world environmental issue involving the building of a pipeline through the province of British Columbia, Canada.
They will explore the geographical, cultural, and environmental context surrounding the building of this pipeline including identifying the core stakeholders, their role and their impact. Students will be required to map out the intended and unintended consequences of the decisions they make.
The resource helps students develop those skills associated with information and media literacy, critical thinking and problem solving, environmental literacy, acquiring and analyzing geographic information. and engaging in argument from evidence.
The resource is strong in both terms of content and process. Students are asked to consider an issue - pipeline construction - that is serious, complex, and immediate. They are also introduced to a framework for investigating and deciding upon this and similar issues that has them reflect upon the meaning they attach to sustainable development.
The information provided to students and teachers to meet the above objectives is both balanced and thorough.
The students may not be aware that the question posed by the resource has been answered by the Federal government.If they are, the resource provides a format in which students may judge the "rigthfullness" of the government's decision. If they are not aware, teachers could inform them of that decision following the completion of the activities and have them compare the government's reasoning with their own.
Teachers may also have students investigate other pipeline proposals under consideration by both the Canadian and American governments.
The issue of pipeline construction has relevance for those curriculum units that examine climate change, resource management, rights of First Nations and citizenship engagement.
The following tool will allow you to explore the relevant curriculum matches for this resource. To start, select a province listed below.
Principle | Rating | Explanation |
Consideration of Alternative Perspectives | Very Good | The resource is both an exercise in process - what are the considerations in making decisions that have economic, social and environmental implications- and content - what are the specific factors that must be considered and who are the players involved in making a decision whether to proceed with a pipeline through norther B.C. Students gain insight into the process and the issue by assuming the role of stakeholders, investigating the potential consequences of building a pipeline and presenting their decision and the reasons for their choice. In each of the above steps, students must recognize the competing perspectives of those shaping the decision and those affected by the decision. |
Consideration of Alternative Perspectives:
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Multiple Dimensions of Problems & Solutions | Very Good | The debate over the merits of a northern pipeline offers an excellent case study in weighing the environmental, economic and social factors involved and the resource is insistent on having students consider each in defending whatever decision they make. |
Multiple Dimensions of Problems & Solutions: Effectively addresses the environmental, economic and social dimensions of the issue(s) being explored.
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Respects Complexity | Very Good | The resource helps students recognize the competing interests of the relevant stakeholders, the difficulty of reconciling those interests and the potential impact, both positive and negative, on the people and the environment. By requiring students to defend their decisions and to challenge the decisions of others, the resource better ensures they will recognize the inherent difficulties in arriving at a decision that meets the requirements of sustainable development as it applies to natural resource management. |
Respects Complexity: The complexity of the problems/issues being discussed is respected. | ||
Acting on Learning | Satisfactory | The "Extending the Learning" component of the resource suggests that students may write a persuasive paper for or against building the pipeline or create an information campaign (brochure, multimedia presentation, etc.) |
Acting on Learning: Learning moves from understanding issues to working towards positive change — in personal lifestyle, in school, in the community, or for the planet
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Values Education | Very Good | The decision-making process outlined by the resource provides a framework for students to apply their personal values in weighing the various options in this and other decisions they face. |
Values Education: Students are explicitly provided with opportunities to identify, clarify and express their own beliefs/values. | ||
Empathy & Respect for Humans | Good | The consequence web that maps the possible consequences of pipeline construction has students consider the impact of such construction on First Nations communities and the livelihood of commercial fishermen. Such reflection should raise the student's level of understanding and empathy for the groups so affected. |
Empathy & Respect for Humans: Empathy and respect are fostered for diverse groups of humans (including different genders, ethnic groups, sexual preferences, etc.). | ||
Personal Affinity with Earth | Good | In constructing a consequence web intended to identify the potential impact of a decision to build a pipeline, students will recognize that the environment is a complex system that connects both biotic and abiotic factors and that changes in one element of this system can have consequences for other elements.. In this instance, students explore a unique environment that requires them to consider both the marine and terrestrial ecosystems and the interaction between the two. |
Personal Affinity with Earth: Encourages a personal affinity with -the natural world.
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Locally-Focused Learning | Good | While the debate over the building of a northern pipeline through British Columbia is of immediate and particular concern for the people who live in that region, teachers should situate this debate within the larger discussion over pipeline construction in Canada, which is likely to have consequences for all Canadians. |
Locally-Focused Learning: Includes learning experiences that take advantage of issues/elements within the local community.
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Past, Present & Future | Good | The debate over pipeline construction should be, and is to a degree in the resource, situated within the context of our past and current reliance on fossil fuels, the challenges associated with a continuation of this reliance, and the options that may be considered in moving to a less carbon dependent future. |
Past, Present & Future: Promotes an understanding of the past, a sense of the present, and a positive vision for the future. |
Principle | Rating | Explanation |
Open-Ended Instruction | Very Good | The resource is designed to help students make informed decisions. They are challenged to make a decision as to the merits of building a pipeline through northern British Columbia. In making that decision they must identify the stakeholders involved and their competing perspectives, consider the economic, social, and environmental consequences of their decision, and defend their decision. The resources provided to students to help them make that decision are both comprehensive and balanced. |
Open-Ended Instruction
: Lessons are structured so that multiple/complex answers are possible; students are not steered toward one 'right' answer. | ||
Integrated Learning | Very Good | In considering the impact of pipeline construction in this particular region, students need to acquire and analyse geographic information (Geography), identify and investigate the interplay between the biotic and abiotic elements in the region (Biology and General Science), obtain, evaluate and communicate information (Language Arts) |
Integrated Learning: Learning brings together content and skills from more than one subject area
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Inquiry Learning | Satisfactory | The resource defines the question that students will investigate - Should a pipeline be built through British Columbia? - and provides the framework for students to make a decision. The decision is the students, as is the responsibility for defending that decision. |
Inquiry Learning: Learning is directed by questions, problems, or challenges that students work to address.
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Differentiated Instruction | Good | The teaching methods adopted by the resource include cooperative learning, discussion, reading for information, role playing, and persuasive writing. Each of the activities also includes tips for modifications that are intended to help teachers adjust the lesson in response to individual student strengths and weaknesses. Each of the three activities also includes suggestions for "Extended Learning" that would allow teachers to further challenge students in accordance with their abilities and interests. |
Differentiated Instruction: Activities address a range of student learning styles, abilities and readiness.
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Experiential Learning | Very Good | The teaching approach adopted by the resource is described as 'learning -for -use and is intended to help students develop a format for decision making in dealing with real world issues. The issue addressed in this instance is one that is very much in the headlines and of concern to all Canadians i.e. should we be building pipelines and of the various pipeline proposals currently being considered, which should receive our support? |
Experiential Learning: Authentic learning experiences are provided
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Cooperative Learning | Good | Cooperative learning is suggested in those instances where students are organized into small groups,on the assumption that cooperative learning benefits advanced learners and struggling readers. Groups are assigned so that advanced students are grouped with struggling readers. Students are also grouped in threes to represent the stakeholders in the belief that odd numbers support a more productive discussion. Students are also required to listen to and learn from the presentations made by stakeholders and the presentations made in defense of the decision made with respect to pipeline construction. |
Cooperative Learning: Group and cooperative learning strategies are a priority.
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Assessment & Evaluation | Good | Each of the three activities include suggestions for informal assessment based in part on an evaluation of student completion of a variety of worksheets (Stakeholder's Table and Answer Sheet, Decision Statement) and on student discussion. A Decision Statement rubric is also provided. |
Assessment & Evaluation: Tools are provided that help students and teachers to capture formative and summative information about students' learning and performance. These tools may include reflection questions, checklists, rubrics, etc. | ||
Peer Teaching | Good | Students have an opportunity to work with and hear from other students as they work in groups to represent the various stakeholders identified in the resource and present and defend their decision |
Peer Teaching: Provides opportunities for students to actively present their knowledge and skills to peers and/or act as teachers and mentors.
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Case Studies | Very Good | The resource serves as a case study in two respects. First,it provides a framework for decision making on issues of sustainable development generally. Second, it introduces students to the considerations that must be addressed in any decision about pipeline construction, at a time when Canadians are asked to make their position known on a number of pipeline proposals. |
Case Studies: Relevant case studies are included. Case studies are thorough descriptions of real events from real situations that students use to explore concepts in an authentic context. | ||
Locus of Control | Good | The pedagogy adopted by the resource may be described as directed learning. The format strikes a balance between teacher's assigning student tasks and directing discussion and small group activities in which the students decide what is to be done and who will do what. |
Locus of Control: Meaningful opportunities are provided for students to choose elements of program content, the medium in which they wish to work, and/or to go deeper into a chosen issue. |