Investigating Bat Adaptations leads students to learn about the adaptations that increase a bat's chances of finding food and surviving in a particular habitat while also increasing the student's knowledge of the different species of bats in the world.
In this activity, students will be placed in groups of six and given cards with a description of a type of bat. After becoming familiar with their bat, the class will play a game of "Who Am I?". The teacher will read the 12 questions about bat adaptations and after group discussions, the students will write their answers on paper. Once all of the questions have been read, the class will review and discuss the questions. Bonus questions are included in order to stimulate further discussion.
Included in this activity are extension ideas and assessment suggestions.
Investigating Bat Adaptations is a solid resource for supporting the outcomes in the diversity of living things strand. It will help the students understand how animals adapt to their environment and habitat in order to survive. It is best suited for the upper elementary and early middle school years.
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