The sponsor of the video, the Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change, argues that to achieve food security in a changing climate the global community must operate within three limits: the quantity of food that can be produced under a given climate, the quantity needed by a growing and changing population, and the effect of food production on the climate. At present the planet operates outside that safe space as witnessed by the enormous number of people who are undernourished. If current trends in population growth, diets, crop yields and climate change continue, the world, according to the video sponsors, will still be outside this 'safe operating space' in 2050.
The Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change further argues that humanity must urgently work to enlarge the safe space and have produced a set of concrete policy actions to transform the food system and move it in this direction.
The video will be an effective tool to support the study at the high school level of food security, climate change, and population. It explores the interplay among these issues. The discussion also has relevance for those units in the health curriculum that study the impact of current diet trends on the health of individuals; social studies units which explore the struggles of peoples in the developing world; and geography/science curricula that include units on sustainable ecosystems
Since the video makes a number of claims with respect to present food policies, their impact, and possible responses to address the “crisis”, students could be assigned to investigate and report on each of these.
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