A Way Forward: Facing Climate Change explores the global impact of climate change and its devastating effects and outlines a response suggested by United Nations' scientists.
A series of powerful images highlight the current evidence and possible future of our changing climate (sea level rise, flooding, loss of biodiversity, pressure on food supplies, glacial melt and decline in drinking water).
The way forward includes a range of options (stabilize GHG emissions, reduce emissions by 2/3 by 2050, improve energy conservation and efficiency, introduce new regulations re. transportation and building codes, raise price of fossil fuels and establish a carbon tax).
Since climate change is such a massive topic, the video has relevance for a number of curriculum units. Any examination of the causes and possible responses requires attention to energy production and use, de- forestation, population growth, levels of consumption, and government policies. This is an ideal opportunity for curriculum integration
Since the the emphasis in this video is a way forward, it may be used to introduce students to the various options put forward and thereby initiate a more in-depth student investigation of each of these options
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